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Monday, 24 August 2015

Even Twins can't fool Microsoft's Windows 10 Hello facial recogntion system

Even if you are identical twin, like me,you still cannot trick Microsoft's Windows 10 hello facial recognition feature to log into your sibling's computer using your face. Someone experimented with the feature and Hello knew which is which.

Chris Griffith of the Australian wanted to find out if Microsoft's Hello facial detection system is as secure as the Redmond-based company claims to be. In case you don't know the Hello feature allows you to log into your Windows 10 powered PC with your face.

So Mr.Griffith, out of curiousity, solicited the help of six identical twins to see if they could bypass the facial recognition feature and have access to their sibling's account. Each twin created a Windows 10 account on a Lenovo Thinkpad Yoga 14 notebook and registered their account using their face. When the other twin tried to signed in, Hello blocked allow them. It recognised the other twin face very well and was able to tell the difference when the second wanted to use the other account.All six pairs of twins who took part in the test experienced this. Read the full story at The Australian.