Mikandi LLC

But Google threw it out immediately it made its way to the app store. The ''tits and Glass'' app was banned by Google because it contained graphic sex acts and child pornography. And if you know Google very well it kick against anything associates with nudity.
Google's zero-tolerance policy against such content, and the banning the first adult app for Glass, sent out a warning to other app developers who had wanted to follow suit.
Cecillia Abadie

She was among the first thousands that Google allowed to own the $1500 augmented reality device through the defunct explorer program. She was so full of excitement that she drove 80 miles per hour on a 65 mile per hour zone. A California Highway patrol officer pulled her over and she was ticketed for doing that, as well as charge her to court on grounds that she violated the Cali

The law prohibits anyone wearing any device that takes their attention off the road while driving--such as a video or TV screen. But she seemed unfazed and pleaded not guilty to the charges while on trial in a San Diego Traffic court, saying she did not activated as she talked with the policeman.
Kyle Russell
You may know him because I usually use his image on this blog whenever I write on things related to Google Glass. Klyle Russell is a writer for Business Insider and he saw the other side of San Francisco. He was assaulted for wearing Google Glass in San Francisco.
Russell had just finished covering a story and was heading home with a colleague, when suddenly, at 16th street Bart station, someone puts his hand across his face and shouted, ''Glass!''. Off he went with Russell's Google Glass in hand. Lightning Russell.gave chase along traffic but it was too late as he had already smashed it on the ground. Poor Russell had no luck than to pick up it remains.
Nevertheless Russell gave the guy's description to the Police officers and they went after him. but could not find him. Russell filed a police report when they came back
Now To add salt to injury, people laughed at him when he tweeted about what happened. What do you expect? There are trolls everywhere looking for anyone to devour---it seemed Russell was the best sport.
Sarah Slocum
Upon Google's advice to be mindful of how Glass wearers use the device in public, Slocum was running around in a bar at San Francisco, showing those who came to enjoy themselves how Google Glass works. But they pounced on her, instead.
She was mugged, physically and verbally abused by a man and two other women. They thought she was recording them without their consent, and why they took advantage of it by robbing her? that I don't know.
They made away with her purse, Google Glass and smartphone. So bad! But one thing is certain Learn how to use Google Glass while in Francisco.
So guys there you have it, the four Google Glass scapegoats.