Tuesday, 11 November 2014

HIT’s Innovative Hydro Nano Gas could be the Answer for Neutralizing Carbon Fuel Emissions

Hydro Infra Technologies (HIT), a Swedish clean tech company based in Stockholm, has developed an innovative patent pending approach for neutralizing carbon fuel emissions by generating a novel gas called Hydro Nano Gas (HNG).

 In spite of all the advancement happening in the energy sector, global economies are still dependent on fossil fuels as the interlinked chain of costs to completely replace the burning of fossil fuels with more clean and sustainable options is beyond the financial resources of even the richest nations. This in turn effects the climate change scenario which has been continuously increasing as more pollution and green house gases are created from burning fossil fuels on a daily basis.

This dilemma requires a new approach with safe, cost effective and smart solutions; the solution in sight? Making any fossil fuel climate neutral – and this is exactly what HIT’s HNG proposes to do.

Water contains 2 basic elements, Hydrogen and Oxygen. These 2 basic elements can be split, divided and utilized. Splitting water (H2O) is a known science. But the energy costs to perform splitting outweigh the energy created from hydrogen when the Hydrogen is split from the water molecule H2O. This is where mainstream science usually closes the book on the subject.

HIT took a different approach by postulating that the Swedes could split water in an energy efficient way to extract a high yield of Hydrogen at very low cost: A specific low energy pulse is put into water; the water molecules line up in a certain structure and are split from the Hydrogen molecules. The result is HNG.

Being exotic as it is, HNG displays some very different properties from normal hydrogen. For instance: HNG instantly neutralizes carbon fuel pollution emissions; HNG can be pressurized up to 2 bars; HNG combusts at a rate of 9000 meters per second while normal Hydrogen combusts at a rate 600 meters per second; oxygen values actually increase when HNG is inserted into a diesel flame; and finally, HNG acts like a vortex on fossil fuel emissions causing the flame to be pulled into the center thus concentrating the heat and combustion properties.

Injecting HNG into a combustion chamber produces several effects that increase the burn efficiency of the fuels. HNG gasification effectively burns unburned residue/cluster while completing the burn process quicker. The long term impact of using HNG in the burning of fossil fuels can provide the balanced solution for the on going economic-climate change debate.

The new technology is also found to be effective in the treatment of polluted water; when HNG Nano bubbles are injected into polluted water, a microbe chain reaction is initiated that rapidly triggers and boosts the waters’ own organic repairing process. While further testing and validation are required, the discovery creates new potential in providing solutions to critical areas of global pollution.

HIT is also developing a Smoke Eliminator for all sorts of plants and facilities. The process reduces the need for smoke analysis as it results in a clean wet scrubber technology where CO2 becomes a clean by-product ready to be reused.

Further, a miniaturized version of the standard HNG reactor will help HIT achieve its goal of gassing 9,000 cubic meters of smoke volume per second. Using Nano technology, the reactor will see the beginning of a new technology phase for each HNG application, reports HIT.

The HIT innovation story begins in the late 1970’s and mid 1980’s when the HIT founder was engaged in finding clean fuel solutions for engines running on gasoline and diesel. During that period, Hydrogen became of special interest – specially breaking the atomic boundary of H2O, water.

The research work of Professor Yuan Tse Lee inspired HIT founder Sven Erik to venture further into the fields of hydrogen atoms and diatomic alkali: Professor Lee ultimately went on to win the Noble Prize in 1986.

Sven Erik, took on the task of further research & development with the aim of discovering real world applications based on his discoveries. To achieve this he gathered a team of skilled engineers to study the mysteries of water & hydrogen. Their initial goal was to discover a way to eliminate as much pollution as possible when fossil fuels are burned. Their research took them further and deeper in a quest to crack the code hidden within hydrogen.

In late 2012, after years of research and experimentation, they finally cracked the code and HNG was born; the scientists are now bringing their discoveries to the world as Information Technology via joint venture partners. HIT has also selected SGS – the worlds leading testing/validation and certification company – to be its’ permanent testing-validation protocol partner, providing certification that enables HIT to expand into global markets.
