Last time I reported that a study conducted by the University of Central Florida revealed that having Google Glass on while behind the wheel is as dangerous as texting with a smartphone. Barely two months after that, a new research has shown that the augmented reality device stands in the way of the wearer's peripheral vision. That is to say, it creates blind spots(large ones for that matter) on the right side which makes it very difficult for one to pick up things clearly and thus, not safe to use when you are engaging yourself in activities such as cycling, driving etc. that require your peripheral vision.
The research was conducted by the Ophthalmologists at the University of California by asking three people to put on the Google's high-tech wearables and compare how they see things to a regular glass. ''The device created a clinically meaningful visual field obstruction in the upper right quadrant.''
What caused the problem was the prism, the part that receives information from the projector, is positioned in such a way that blocks the user's visual field. But if you are sensible enough, and wear it above your eyes, and not in front of the pupil, then no problem.