Pcs announced has convertible tablet features.
In brief, the Aspire R7 which the company calls an 'Enzel Hinge', could be used as a laptop as well as a laptop. It is a 15.9-in Notebook, the hinge enables the Aspire R7 to move its high definition display, HD forward into four different mode: Pan mode, Display mode, Ezel mode and Notebook mode.
It comes with 6GB of memory, 24GB SSD(Solid State Drive) 500GB hard drive, 3USB ports, Wifi and Bluetooth capability, an HDMi port and a slit keyboard.
Acer announced that the PC will be available on May 17 for $999.99.
The Aspire P3 and the V5 series will cost $799 and $499 respectively. The V5 series will be available at the end of May.