Saturday, 4 May 2013

Door keys may be a thing of the past, here's why.

As technology continues to feed itself day after day, its effect has no end in our world today. Mobile phones that were created only to call and text, can now surf the web, do most computer task and the newest, unlock your doors. Unlock doors? yes! you heard me right.
Smartphones are becoming more powerful these days. With them,
door keys may be a thing of the past. Software's  like Lockitron, Shareapp and KISI when installed properly on your front door, can unlock it anytime. Recently, a  new U.S base startup has solve the problem of unlocking your doors without the use of keys. but smartphones.
KISI in particular is easy to install. This is how it works: If you live in a building where an intercom is mounted, you just attach the electronic bolt to your apartment, install module to control buzzer of main door and plug in control unit on the door to your apartment. Then download and install the app on your smartphone, and you are done.
When next you get to your apartment, just tap a smartphone button, and it sends signal to the control unit which tells the door to unlock.
I know for sure what's going through in your mind. What if my phone get lost or stolen. If that happens, no need to panic. Your details are stored in the cloud, which means you can access it via another smartphone online.