Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Terrafugia begun feasibility studies of a vertical takeoff and landing car

Terrafugia, the firm that develops flying cars, is looking to build the next-generation flying car models, a four-seater hybrid plugin electric cars that the firm hope will allow for vertical takeoff and landing, by 2025. The TFX.
The TFX by Terrafugia will
come with state-of-the-art systems that could allow the car to takeoff in less
than 100 feet. The flying car according to the maker, would not take the average driver five hours to learn since it has automatic control flight systems.
During takeoff, the car wings ''stretch'' out from the car's body and act as a glider. Then once in flight, the pilot can turn ON the propellers or rotor blades. The flying car is equipped with a parachute in case anything goes wrong. And can fly at 2000 feet.
The car could cost $279,000 per vehicle.