At one point in our lives, you wish you were a bird.You know,go to places you have never been to before and, to satisfy your curiosity, have a bird's view of your area. French wireless products maker Parrot has decided to do something about it. It launched the flying camera drone, the Bebop.
The flying camera drone can be controlled by a smartphone, tablet or the company's optional skycontroller, using an app called FreeFlight 3.0.It display images captured on the drone's screen.
It has a 14MP camera and comes equip with a head mounted display, the Oculus Rift, to make owners feel as though they were flying like birds without even leaving the ground.
Once you connect the Bebop to the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset, you can turn your head in a number of directions as a bird does in flight. This is done by wearing the Oculus Rift glasses and viewing images through the drone camera. You can even take pictures of your area and download to your device.
Bebop will be on stream later this year. Parrot did not reveal how much it will charge for the bebop drone. But don't be surprise if Parrot charge $300 for this.